Legal Notice

The site

The site accessible via the link is published by IREX Europe, Association Loi 1901, published in the Official Journal on June 7, 2004 with its registered office at 11 rue Aimé Collomb 69003 LYON, doing business as Equal Rights and Independent Media (ERIM) as the coordinator of the ERASMUS+ cofunded project Speak Up! Media for Inclusion. The director of publication is Mike DeVilliers. The Site is hosted by whose head office is located at 10 Corporate Drive, Suite # 300, Burlington, MA 01803 (US). By using the Site, the user accepts these terms of use.

Intellectual property

The logo

The Speak Up logo may not be reproduced without permission. Any use of the Speak Up name or logo without authorization constitutes an infringement, henceforth punishable by penalties of up to six years’ imprisonment and a fine of € 400,000 in the event of prosecution.


In application of the French Code of Intellectual Property and, more generally, of international treaties and agreements containing provisions relating to the protection of copyright, it is prohibited for any use other than private to reproduce, sell, distribute, broadcast, disseminate, adapt, modify, publish, communicate, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, the data, presentation or organization of the site, or the works protected by copyright which appear on the Speak Up! site without specific and prior written authorization.

Protection of personal data

As part of the use of the site will process certain personal data concerning users. These processing operations are carried out in compliance with Law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended, relating to data processing, files and freedoms (“Data Protection Act”) and the European Regulation of May 25, 2018 on data protection (“GDPR”).

Applicable law in the event of a dispute

This website is subject to French law. Any dispute relating to the site will be submitted to the competent courts within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Lyon.

Contact information


Address: 11 rue Aimé Collomb 69003 Lyon

Telephone: +33 9 80 52 78 29
