Team Up! is a cross-European project aimed at fostering adults’ digital and Media and Information Literacy (MIL) and producing media and digital tools in Southern Europe.
Team Up! is a two year project culminating in an international MIL’Athon in June 2023, in Lisbon, Portugal.
The project is built round 6 main pillars:
- The development and dissemination of the Media and Information Literacy Toolkit (January 2022 – June 2022) and the Curriculum for MIL Trainings (May 2022 – June 2022), both to support the teachers, educators and librarians willing to run MIL workshops (January 2023 – March 2023);
- MIL Training of Trainers for teachers, educators and librarians MIL, including on gender in the media, migration and hate speech (September 2023 – November 2023);
- MIL workshops run by the teachers, educators and librarians who participated in the Training of Trainers for adult learners, with the support of the MIL trainers (January 2023 – March 2023);
- Networking sessions for MIL Trainers, and for educators, teachers and trainers who run MIL workshops to exchange good practices (May 2022 – October 2023);
- The MIL’Athon, during which the educators, teachers and trainers who ran MIL workshops will meet, work together and participate in a study visit and to a global MIL week event (June 2023);
- 4 Global MIL Week events in October 2023 for the closing of the project, each one organized in the project countries.
MIL Toolkit
• 1 MIL Toolkit with up to 30 references, in the 5 languages of the project (English, Portuguese, Greek, Italian and French) with 160 educators, teachers and/or librarians using it
• 1 10-page guideline in the 5 languages of the project
Between January and June 2022, we will develop and disseminate a “Media and Information Literacy Toolkit”, with up to 30 tools for adult education. Translated in the 5 languages of the project (Greek, Italian, French, Portuguese, and English), the manual will tackle the following topics:
- Disinformation, fake news, and propaganda
- Hate speech and discrimination
- Debunking stereotypes (age, ethnic etc.)
- Safety online, privacy, ethics on media production/dissemination
- MIL critical thinking (e.g., how to read a video/media product)
- Media production tools or methods (e.g., how to produce a video)
Alongside the MIL tools, the Toolkit will include best practices from the 11 MIL experts involved in the project.
Available in July 2022 on the website, it will give hints, guidance and tools for educators, teachers and librarians willing to facilitate MIL workshops for adult learners.
Curriculum for teaching MIL through Media Production to Adults
• 1 curriculum developed by 11 trainers, in the 5 languages of the project, and tested by 150 educators, teachers and librarians
• 1 5-day Training of Trainers, for 11 trainers
• 4 trainings to educators, teachers and librarians are facilitated by the trainers (1 per country)
• 45 media productions on civic engagement and social inclusion are produced
MIL education is often available to young people but scarcely to adults. To counter this we will develop a curriculum with an emphasis on media production to learn MIL. Translated in English, Greek, Italian, Portuguese and French, the manual will give educators, teachers and librarians guidance on running MIL workshops for adult learners.
The curriculum will be used during the cascade trainings:
1. A 5-day Training of Trainers for the 11 trainers of the 4 project partners
2. MIL learning moments for 40 educators, teachers, and librarians (per country)
3. MIL learning moments for adult learners, run by the educators, teachers and librarians willing to run MIL workshops
4. A last Training of Trainers for the 11 trainers of the 4 project partners, during the MIL’Athon
Following the dissemination of the curriculum, a call for participation will be disseminated between July 2022 and September 2022 for 160 teachers, librarians, and educators (known as ‘super trainers’) to participate in MIL learning workshops organized in Perugia, Athens, Lisbon, and Lyon. Run between September 2022 and November 2022 (for about 20 hours), the program will include MIL theory and media productions (i.e short films, photography, podcasts, etc.) to learn by doing.
Following this training, the educators, librarians, and teachers will, in turn, run MIL workshops for adult learners (December 2022 to March 2023). The super trainers will base their workshop on the MIL Toolkit and the curriculum, while using MIL theory and media productions, with the support of the local trainers.
Alongside the MIL workshops implemented by the super trainers, two cycles of learning opportunities will be organized in each country for the super trainers for them to produce videos, podcast, etc. to show during the MIL’athon.
Pan-european MIL trainers’ network
• 1 network created
• Up to 8 online meetings for trainers’ best practices exchanges
• Up to 5 online meetings with the super trainers
A total of 13 networking sessions are planned for MIL trainers and the super trainers to exchange best practices, discuss the challenges faced and foster exchanges among the 4 countries of the project:
- 8 exchanges for the MIL trainers to exchange on the MIL workshops they will run for educators, librarians, and teachers (from May 2022 to October 2023)
- 5 exchanges between the super trainers and MIL trainers. It will allow the super trainers to exchange and share their experience with their European counterparts on their workshops, discuss about the MIL Toolkit and curriculum, while forming an active network to disseminate the tools and values of MIL for adults (January 2023 and May 2023).
These events will allow the participants to be part of a strong network, both during and after this project, and to have inputs from international MIL experts from other organizations.
• 1 MIL’athon organized
• 1 study visit in Lisbon with up to 24 trained educators, teachers, and librarians
• 1 10-page guidelines on how to organize a MIL’athon
In June 2023, 24 super trainers from the 4 project countries will participate in a 3-day MIL’Athon (combination of “MIL” and “marathon”) in Lisbon, Portugal, to produce videos on civic engagement and social inclusion and promote exchanges between the participants. The event will offer: A half-day training, a 2-day production (connected to what was learnt during the MIL workshops) and a half-day dedicated to the selection of the winning products developed during the 2-day media production.
The MIL’Athon will be an opportunity for the participants to meet and network with their foreign peers while working on their editing and shooting skills. Alongside the MIL’athon, a two-day study tour will be organized with Portuguese counterparts and to a Global MIL week event, during which the participants will show their production and share with local participants.
For other organizations to duplicate this event, we will produce guidelines on how to organize a MIL’athon and share them on the website.
Global Media and Information Literacy Week
• 5 Global MIL week events organized
5 Global MIL week events will be organized during the project, 1 in June 2022 (after the MIL’Athon) and 4 in October 2023.
Alongside the MIL’Athon, the first Global MIL week event will be organized in Lisbon for the participants to show their work and discuss about it with local participants. In October 2023, 4 other Global MIL week events will be organized in each country of the project. This will be an opportunity for partners to communicate about the manuals designed during the project, to share our results with the local participants, to share our methodology, and to exchange on the MIL trainers’ and partners’ experience.
Karpos – Center for Education and Intercultural Communication (Greece)

Karpos develops local and European projects encouraging expression and the exchange of views and creative ideas through the use of media. We strongly believe that, in a society where images surround us, these tools can empower both young and adult citizens to participate in social transactions and bring forward their own alternative voices. We specialise in how media, image and sound can develop narratives and how they can be introduced in educational environments.
Forma.Azione (Italy)

FORMA.Azione srl is an accredited VET and Adult Centre, working with Public Funds at Regional, National and Transnational level. Its mission is to improve and increase its target groups’ competences and skills – mainly low-skilled adults, youngsters in need of upskilling, women at risk of marginalization – for their employability and social inclusion. FORMA.Azione most important areas of expertise are digital skills and Media and Information Literacy; quality assurance in education and training; gender equality; Social inclusion at school and for adults; migrants’ integration and empowerment. Since 2017 it has been working as Regional Coordinator of the No Hate Speech Movement of the Council of Europe, promoting online campaigns and awareness raising activities through Fb, Instagram.
ERIM (France)

ERIM was founded in 2004, in Lyon (France). Over the past fifteen years we have worked in 37 countries, mainly in the Eastern Partnership and Russia, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Europe and Central Asia. Our work focuses on supporting human rights, good governance and promoting democracy by supporting and working with activists and civil society organisations directly, by seeking to improve education, strengthen independent media and reduce conflict. The ERIM approach emphasises partnerships with local development organisations and provides training and capacity building in order to create sustainable change.
4Change (Portugal)

4Change is a non-profit cooperative (certified NGDO) founded in 2005 to foster global citizenship and for the capacity building of social economy. 4Change’s approach is based on a more participatory, transparent and inclusive set of tools and practices – and we have experience on global citizenship, local development and communication for development/advocacy projects (local, national and international), social impact monitoring and evaluation of projects/programmes and capacity building. Civic Media Literacy has been an approach and a set of tools we’ve developed in all our global citizenship education projects and action research.

If you would like to partner with us or be involved, get in touch!