Team Up! is a cross-European project aimed at fostering adults’ digital and Media and Information Literacy (MIL) and producing media and digital tools in Southern Europe. The project includes work with educators, teachers and librarians and is a continuation of our Speak Up! project, with young, newly arrived migrants.
1. Media and Information Literacy (MIL) toolkit
In June 2022, we will publish a MIL toolkit gathering up to 30 existing resources deemed as the most relevant to teaching MIL through Media Production. It will provide the best MIL tools to educators, teachers and librarians willing to facilitate MIL workshops for adult learners. The tools will be re-assessed and edited during the whole life of the project.
Alongside the MIL Toolkit, we will publish guidelines on MIL training best practices to support the educators, teachers and librarians in running MIL workshops. These guidelines will include methodologies, curriculum development and training delivery.
The MIL Toolkit as well as the guidelines will be shared on this website!
2. Media and Information Literacy trainings
Following a call for interest, the teachers, librarians and educators will run MIL workshops for adults from December 2022 to March 2023, including MIL theory and media production. To accompany this, we will produce a curriculum on MIL, more specifically on disinformation, civic engagement, migration, social inclusion, podcast and video production.
In addition, 5 webinars will be organised from January to May 2023 for the teachers, librarians and educators to exchange their experience and best practices on facilitating MIL workshops.
The media products developed during the workshops will be disseminated during the MIL’Athon, and the Curriculum will be available on the website!
3. MIL’ Athon
In June 2023 a MIL’Athon (MIL marathon) will be organized in Lisbon, Portugal, during which educators, teachers and librarians from the 4 project countries’ will gather to work on media productions.
During the event, they will present their media products, addressing civic engagement and social inclusion, and three winners will be selected by media experts. The event will also be the opportunity for the participants to take part in a study tour to meet with their Portuguese counterparts and exchange on MIL.
For other organizations to duplicate this event, we will produce guidelines on how to organize a MIL’athon and share them on this website.
4. GAPMIL Week
Five GAPMIL week events will be organised, including one alongside the MIL’athon in June 2023. These events will take place in Lisbon (Portugal), Perugia (Italy), Athens (Greece) and Lyon (France) to bring together the educators, teachers and librarians who participated in the project.
The hybrid event will be comprised of talks by the partner organizations and trainers which will present the MIL Toolkit, Curriculum, and the Network to the public, to share our approach and methodology as well as to widely disseminate the project’s outputs and creating a discussion around the use of Media production as a tool to teach adults learners MIL.
Speak Up !
The Team Up! – Media for Adult Education project was built on the achievements of the Speak Up! project, a cross-European project (co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union) aimed at integrating young, newly arrived migrants through video, radio production and media literacy trainings leading to media and films festivals.
Between December 2019 and November 2021, we developed guidelines on video production, media literacy, podcast production and working with newly arrived migrants and share to support organisations, journalists, individuals… The guidelines were developed to support the podcast, movies and photo exhibition implemented during the project. As part of the project, a manifesto on media and migration was also developed to make recommendations for journalists when writing on this topic.
Behind the project
Our team
The team behind the project Team Up! is comprised of 4 non-profit organisations including KARPOS (Greece), Forma.Azione (Italy), 4Change (Portugal) and ERIM (France).
Our donor
This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

This website has been developed with the financial support of Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The content is the sole responsibility of the project partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the view of the European Commission.
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