Media outputs

The Media and Information Literacy (MIL)’athon held from June 13 to 16 witnessed the collaborative efforts of four international groups, each developing a compelling video on women’s rights. These impactful videos shed light on the challenges women encounter and aim to create awareness about the profound effects it has on their lives.

Sisterhood: In the Media and Information Literacy (MIL)’athon, the group “KARMAS” presented a powerful video titled “Together, we can Make the Change.” Through this poetic production, the video beautifully showcases the limitless and priceless impact of women supporting each other. With the objective of promoting sorority, the video emphasizes the significance of support, love, and how they can make a transformative difference in the lives of women.

The group “Rainbow” created an impactful video titled “Powerful Words”. Through this impactful production, the video addresses the insults and stereotypes that women endure, regardless of the situation. Its purpose is to empower women to break free from these labels and live life authentically and on their own terms.

The group “Hypatia” crafted an impactful video titled “Losing Game”. This compelling production sheds light on the everyday struggles women face, portraying the challenges of being perceived as either too much or not enough. The video’s goal is to inspire viewers to reflect on societal perceptions of women and foster a more empathetic and non-judgmental perspective.

The group “Esperanza” created a powerful video titled “Is Everything About Men?”. In this thought-provoking production, they shed light on women’s rights, challenging the misconception that women’s appearance and choices are solely based on men’s expectations. The video aims to inspire women to embrace their individuality and self-expression, free from societal expectations.