
Each partner of the project produced training guidelines on video production, podcast production, on working with newly arrived migrants, and on media and information literacy for teachers and trainers in their local community discussing the merits of using media production and media literacy training for integration of newly-arrived migrants.

Video Production

Common Frames presents the method Ithaka Films, in which students make a short film in three days, from script to editing. Through making films, the students are playfully engaged in learning the local language, storytelling, creativity and acquiring essential 21st century skills such as cooperation, planning and communication. At the heart of the method are ownership, participation and self-reliance. The method was developed in co-creation with teachers and students of the Ithaka International Transition Classes for recently arrived migrants in Utrecht, The Netherlands. In 2018 the project Ithaka Films was awarded as best practice in the UNESCO led GAPMIL Global MIL Awards. 

More information on Common Frames and our projects can be found at

Media Literacy Workshops

The publication was refined in English as part of the project EMELS and reformatted as part of the project Speak Up! Media for inclusion, both co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Rights: Creative Commons Attribution – Share Alike.

More information on Karpos and our projects can be found at

Introduction to MIL

Karpos develops local and European projects encouraging expression and the exchange of views and creative ideas through the use of media. We strongly believe that, in a society where images surround us, these tools can empower both young and adult citizens to participate in social transactions and bring forward their own alternative voices. We specialise in how media, image and sound can develop narratives and how they can be introduced in educational environments.

More information on Karpos and our projects can be found at

Podcast Production

For the past 5 years, the Mouvement Up – an actor in solution journalism mobilized for social innovation – has been carrying out Media and Information Literacy (MIL) actions via the Mouvement Up Radio station (formerly known as radio Raje) across France. More than 5,000 young people and professionals were sensitized to fighting off fake news and hate speech online, as well as they were introduced to journalistic and radio practices through workshops and trainings delivered by the Mouvement Up media education center. Our educational approach aims to place MIL at the service of citizenship, emancipation and living together, in a society relying on information and communication.

Working with newly arrived migrants

Begun as a personal project in the early 2000s and established as a formal organisation in 2009, Next Step Hungary Association is a refugee-led NGO providing practical cost-effective interventions supporting the social inclusion of refugees, migrants and other disadvantaged people in Hungary. Next Step Association engages with and supports foreigners and locals through a solution-oriented approach of promoting employability and community integration. They offer free and low-cost opportunities to gain important skills that improve access to the job market and allow migrants to contribute positively to the community.

You want to know more about radio and video production, about MIL education, or about working with young newly arrived migrants?