

Topic :

This plugin has been initially designed as a verification tool helping journalists, fact-checkers, and human rights defenders save time and be more efficient in their fact-checking and debunking tasks on social networks especially when verifying videos and images.

As this tool is very easy to use, it is now widely used. For the participants to your MIL training to have access to it, you can dedicate some time to introduce this tool and the video on how to use it.

Open Your Eyes

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Very practical and easy-to-use, this handbook seeks to improve digital skills by providing learners with tools to identify fake news and fight the spread of disinformation online. The third module is specifically dedicated to tackling disinformation through tools and methodology.

Get Bad News

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“Bad News” is an online browser game in which players take the role of a fake news creator. By playing this game, your participants will have a better understanding of the tactics and manipulation techniques that are used to mislead people and build up a following. The Get Bad News game works as a psychological “vaccine” against disinformation: playing it builds cognitive resistance against common forms of manipulation that can be encountered online.

BBC iReporter

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This game puts you at the place of a BBC journalist who has to cover a breaking news story – publishing the story to a “BBC Live” site. During the game, your story will be judged on how well accuracy, impact and speed are balanced: a great way for your participants to understand how fake news and disinformation can be easily spread if no measures are