Call for participation to a Media and Information Literacy workshop

Team Up! is a cross-European project aimed at fostering adults’ digital and Media and Information Literacy (MIL) and producing media and digital tools in Southern Europe. This project is a collaboration between 4 partner organizations from 4 European countries (KARPOS in Greece, Forma.AZIONE in Italy, ERIM in France and 4Change in Portugal), who are experts in media literacy and media education.

Presentation of the training
This training is intended for educators, librarians and teachers, especially those working with adults. The training will be held in person and will focus on the development of MIL skills through the creation of media productions (podcasts, videos, photography).
At the end of this training, you will have the opportunity to implement MIL training for your group, with the support of MIL experts.

  • Location of the training: Perugia (Italy), Athens (Greece), Lyon (France) and Lisbon (Portugal)
  • Duration of the workshop: 20 hours per country, spread out from September to November 2022, at times adapted to the needs and availability of the groups.
  • Participation in the training is free and all costs related to the training will be covered by the implementing organisations
  • Total number of training participants: 40 per country

Why should you attend this training?
The sources of information have never been so numerous. Citizens face an endless stream of news whose relevance and reliability are difficult to judge. This training aims to raise awareness of these issues.
During the training, a theoretical introduction to media literacy and information will be carried out. The practical part will then follow, with the objective of acquiring all the knowledge necessary for the production of a media product (video, podcast, photo exhibition, etc.) in order to ultimately produce one, with the support of EMI experts.
The topics covered in the training revolve around three main themes: hate speech in the media, gender in the media and migration in the media.

And after the training? You will have acquired enough MIL knowledge and facilitation skills to organize training on this topic for your audience, with the support of the trainers.

MIL Challenges and Prizes
During the training, two international challenges will be launched between participants from France, Greece, Portugal and Italy on the topics of hate speech, discrimination and gender equality. Both of these competitions will allow you to work on MIL, further developing your media production skills.

Following the first challenge, 6 trainers per country will travel, with ERIM experts, to Lisbon in June 2023 to participate in the MIL’athon, a learning-by-doing experience based on group work, which will bring together trainers across France, Greece, Portugal and Italy, and which will promote the exchange of experiences and good practices. Trainers will be chosen based on their involvement in the training as well as the evaluation of their media product produced during the competition.
Following the second challenge: 3 winners per country will be offered prizes related to media production.

After the training, you will be able to:

  • Master the media landscape (the different media and their roles)
  • Master key notions related to information (in particular through the verification of sources)
  • Have concrete tools to identify disinformation and information manipulation techniques
  • Create your own media content (videos, podcasts, photographs, etc.)
  • Addressing hate speech and promoting responsible attitudes
  • Understand representation in media, different genres, forms and basic narrative approaches
  • Safely navigate the digital space

Participation criteria

  • Participate in the whole training (organized between September and November 2022, at times adapted to the needs and availability of the groups);
  • Motivated to learn more about MIL and media production;
  • Be a teacher, librarian or educator working with adults.

If you need more information and want to participate in the training, don’t hesitate to contact the organization implementing the workshop in your country: