Media Literacy Network Charter

1. Introduction In the framework of the Team Up! – Media for Adult Education project, funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, the partners decided to develop a charter. This Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Network Charter outlines the purpose, scope, and guidelines for a collaborative network aimed at promoting Media and InformationContinue reading “Media Literacy Network Charter”

Célébrons l’EMI à Lyon !

Le projet Team Up! – Media for Adult Education, financé par le programme Erasmus+ de l’Union européenne, vise à promouvoir l’éducation aux médias et à l’information (EMI) auprès des adultes via la création de vidéos. Pour permettre au plus grand nombre de développer des connaissances en EMI et de comprendre l’ensemble des éléments que ceContinue reading “Célébrons l’EMI à Lyon !”

Successfull First International Experts (hybrid) Meeting

UTRECHT, PERUGIA, ATHENS, BUDAPEST, LONDON, PARIS On 2nd October 2020, Speak Up! partners organised the First International Experts Meeting under a hybrid format after the cancellation of the in-situ meeting in Utrecht due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. Despite the complex global context,  most of the partners and experts were able to meet in each countryContinue reading “Successfull First International Experts (hybrid) Meeting”

Introducing the International Experts Meeting Online

On 9 July 2020, Speak Up! partners organised an introductory session to the 1st International Experts Meeting of the project which should have been hosted by Common Frames in Utrecht (the Netherlands).